Inverell Public School

Cooperate ~ Achieve ~ Respect ~ Excel

Telephone02 6722 3072

The Kinder year

At Inverell Public School, Kindergarten is one of the infants' classes, with their own playground, toilet facilities, canteen access and assembly area.

Kindergarten classes are rostered to use the library every week.

Throughout the Kinder year, your child will experience and participate in many special events at Inverell Public School.

We are in partnership with parents to help children achieve their potential. Parents are welcome into the school, with many opportunities for you to be involved in your child's educational experience.

Teachers are available and willing to talk to you about your child's progress or any difficulties you or your child may be experiencing.

Please do not hesitate to call about suggestions or concerns. We recommend making an appointment so that your child's teacher can be available at a mutually convenient time.