IPS School Plan 2018 - 2020 (pdf 164 KB)
In developing the current 2018-2020 School Plan, opportunities were provided for consultation with the whole school community to determine our school's vision for meeting the needs of our students.
The School Self Evaluation Process was applied throughout 2017 to evaluate the school's progress against targets in the 2015-2017 school plan. Staff were provided with professional learning to develop a knowledge and understanding of Department of Education Strategic Directions and Priorities. Through consultative forums with staff, students, parents and P&C the whole school community was engaged in opportunities to identify the school's current situation and determine future directions. Feedback was sought from all stakeholders to determine the school's strengths and areas for development and this information was used to build a shared vision and common purpose, as well as assisting with planning key future directions.
The resulting updated School Plan ensures that all those involved in the school and its community can easily access a clear outline of the highest priorities in the school's work.